Introduction: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), psychiatric diseases are the main diseases of the 21st century, becoming a strong threat in the health of people and society. Health is obtained by the balance between the body, mind and psychosomatic factors (CALDWELL et al, 2011; LAVRETSKY et al, 2011; NEDELJKOVIC et al, 2012; IRWIN et al, 2014; TAYLOR-PILIAE et al, 2010). Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) is a beneficial practice that can help with the treatment of psychiatric diseases, by using the long, smooth and deep breathing (BAXTER., FRANCIS, 2013; CHOU et al, 2004). TCC is part of the disciplines (Liu-Yi) to cultivate one’s character and self-awareness, cited by Confucio. Thus, one can achieve a “supreme kind-hearted consciousness”, it’s a mean to enter into Tian Ren He Yi, where humanity and nature are syntonized, bringing about unity and harmony (TENG & LIEN, 2016).. Objectives: This review had as main focus analyze the studies of TCC applied to psychiatric diseases and their effects. Material and method: Was made a systematic review on the literature, using the Pubmed database and the keywords TCC and separated by types of pathology, only from the period 2001 to 2017. Were included all articles related to the theme in the psychiatric area and selected only articles of clinical studies. Were deleted articles unrelated to the topic. Results and discussion: Using the keyword Tai Chi Chuan, 1072 articles were found, 280 of articles of clinical trial, within 41 articles attended inclusion, which are articles related to psychiatric disease. The papers were classified by the type of Pathology treated with TCC, making the individual analysis. Later, grouped by: (well-being, self-esteem, stress, anxiety and depression), abstinence, schizophrenia, sleep quality, (cognition, dementia and self-concept). The TCC improves (100%), 2 article significant (OH., KIM, 2016; LI et al, 2013), in the case of abstinence from smoking (nicotine) decreasing the dependency, increasing serotonin in the blood and for the heroin treatment, this operates on physical, physiological and psychological causes (OH., KIM, 2016; LI et al, 2013). The TCC improves (87.5%) in insomnia, are 7 articles significant( CALDWELL et al, 2011; CARROLL et al, 2015; CHAN et al, 2016; IRWIN et al ,2008; IRWIN et al, 2014; LI et al, 2004; NGUYEN., KRUSE, 2012), and 1 article not returned, (CALDWELL et al, 2009). The insomnia, the sympathetic nervous system takes this disturbance and causes inflammation on cells, it also increases monocyte and leukocytes, which would be an influence of sleep (IRWIN et al 2008 e IRWIN et al, 2014). The TCC improves (75%), are 3 articles significant(CHEN et al, 2007; ROBINS et al, 2006), and 1 article not returned(LEE et al, 2010), in the case of well being, (100%) in self esteem, are 3 articles significant(BAXTER,FRANCIS,2013; LEE et al, 2007; MUSTIAN et al, 2004), (80%) depression, are 4 articles significant(CHOU et al, 2004; FIELD et al, 2013; LAVRETSKY et al, 2011; REDWINE et al, 2012), and 1 article not returned(CHENG et al, 2012), (100%) in anxiety and stress, are 4 articles significant(CHO,
2008; HSU et al, 2016; ROSADO-PÉREZ et al, 2013; TSAI et al, 2003) . It also decrease ?-amylase cortisol elements liable to affect the emotions (NEDELJKOVIC et al, 2012; ROSADO-PÉREZ et al, 2013). The TCC improved 100% in all cases on the treatment of schizophrenia, are 2 articles significant (KANG et al, 2016; HO et al, 2016), where it decreases the aggressive behaviour, conflict and discrimination, manifested by schizophrenia (KANG et al 2016 and HO et al 2016). The TCC, has good results in activities of cognition and behavior, dementia and self-concept(100%) are 9 articles significant (BAO., JIN et al, 2015; CHENG et al, 2014; HUANG et al,2011; LAM et al, 2011; LI et al, 2014; LIU., TSUI, 2014; MORTIMER et al, 2012; SUNGKARAT et al, 2016; TAYLOR-PILIAE et al, 2010). Increases brain volume, (MORTIMER et al, 2012) motor skills, balance, creating a affinity between the participants (CHANG et al, 2011; LI et al, 2013). Conclusion: The research presents various studies about Tai Chi Chuan as a Martial Art, complementary in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, that generally benefited most of the cases (95.25%). Therefore, it is plausible to conclude TCC contributes to one’s quality of life and tranquility; yet, to say TCC contributes to other aspects of health requires further investigation.
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