Introduction: The objective of the present work is to describe the activities developed in the Supervised Internship in Psychological Work, which is characterized as an extension project and, therefore, a service of the Laboratory of Applied Psychology Service (LAPS), from Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), that is configured as a gateway to psychology services, which has two objectives: to receive the population, by means of a ready qualified service, organizing the demand that looks for service in LAPS, as well as prepare the students from the last year of the Psychology course to deal with urgent care, prioritizing the practice of welcoming listening and ethic. Material and Methods: The visits are performed as the following way: a) initial interviews to receive the patient, identify the complaint and know their life history; b) after the first contact, considering the demand it is possible that psychological evaluation is necessary to investigate the symptoms reported by the patient, as well as to know personality characteristics; and c) making referrals that can be directed to individual psychotherapy or to an individual or family orientation process. Twenty trainees, divided into two groups, submitted to the supervision of a teacher in weekly meetings. Results: Throughout the visits it is understood that in the Psychological Emergency Service there is an encounter with the disruption of the silence of the other, not being possible to characterize a profile of people who look for the service, since there is a great diversity of people who have in common the anxieties in relation to their own existential stories and struggles. It looks to provide the patient with an encounter with their difficulties and conflicts, providing them a moment of reflection about their own life. Discussion and Conclusion: Finally, it is noticed that the Psychological Emergency Service is a good proposal of service to the community. With regard to the learning of the beginner therapist is a situation that develops in a very rich way, because it allows everyone to have an experience of encounter with otherness. From the moment of initial listening to the possibility of developing a short psychotherapy, it is clear that both the trainees and the patients benefit from this experience.Referências
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